
About me

The only person that I have always loved is my mom. But once I love someone I will never stop. I will think about them often. I will never want to lose touch with them. I will fight for them in all things, even if they’re wrong. I will stand by them. I will stand up for them. I will take a bullet for them. Each and every person that I love, I love enough to die for them.

My friends are everything to me. They are my lifeline. I want to be with them often. I want to talk to them. Everything I do or say is soaked with thoughts of them. Anything can and will remind me of them. No matter how long we may have been separated I think of them. I have many friends that I desperately wish to be reacquainted with.

I am very nostalgic. I remember silly little things that nobody else does. I love remember when’s and walks down memory lane. I hardly remember the bad times and I try to focus on the good. I can keep something so stupid and silly just because through some strange string of thought it reminds me of someone that I love.

I love movies. I will quote a movie way past its welcome. I can watch the same movie 3 times everyday for a month and not get tired of it. I like movies that nobody else has seen or heard of or will ever take the time to even consider watching. There are a lot of movies that I regret ever seeing but love them anyway, they are the ones I quote the most.

I am very forgetful but only when it’s important. You can tell me 8 times remind me 12 and even write me a little note but I will still forget. And I hate it that you keep reminding me.

I love having responsibility but I hate actually being responsible. I love it when people trust me but will crumble under the pressure.

I love boys. I will always choose boys over girls. I will always refer to them as boys and never as men. And when I’m around boys I will pretend like I know what I’m doing and what I’m talking about no matter how obvious it is that I have no clue. I always want to be better than the boys though we all know I never will. I love it when boys try to teach me things. I love trying to be “one of the guys” even though I’ll never make the cut. I love it when boys tease me. I love it when boys flirt with me. I love it when boys look out for me and stand up for me. I love it when boys compliment me. I love it when boys tell me that “I’m the man.” I love seeing boys get nervous. I love it when boys are honest. I love it when boys are shy. I love it when boys will do something for me simply because I asked them to. I love it when boys use alternative ways to tell me something they shouldn’t tell me. I love it when boys come to me for advice. I love it when boys give me advice. I love it when boys call me back. I love it when boys call me first. I love it when boys admit that something reminded them of me. I love it when boys give me nicknames, no matter how lame they may be. I love it when boys accept the nicknames that I give them. I love it when boys will call me just to say “Hi.” Every boy that I know, I have considered dating. Every boy that I am still friends with is no longer on my dating list. But every boy has the opportunity to get back on that list. If I call a boy once or twice I’m interested in him. If I call him more than that I just want to be friends. If I don’t call him it’s because I’m talking to a different boy. If I ignore his phone calls it’s because I’m talking to a girl about him.

If I don’t answer my phone, it’s because I don’t have it within reach of me. If I don’t call you back it’s because I forgot. If I don’t text you back it’s because I have nothing clever to say. If I don’t text you in the first place it’s because I’m busy.

If I ask you for help I really need it. If I offer you help it’s because I really need it.

I hate it when people assume that I have ulterior motives. I hate it when people tell me I can’t do something. I hate it when people tell me I should do something. I hate it when people compare me to others. I hate it when people think I’m lying. I hate it when people tell me I’m wrong. I hate it when I am wrong. I hate it when I’m right and people won’t believe me. I hate it when people dismiss my ideas without even considering them. I hate it when people ask me for my ideas then tell me that they are stupid.

I hate it when people tell me that I can’t do something just because I’m a girl. I also hate it when people expect me to do something or be a certain way just because I’m a girl.

I hate it when people tell me they will do something and then don’t follow through. I hate it when people ignore me because they know I want them to do something. I hate it when people think that I’m annoying when I’m trying to get something important taken care of.

I hate it when I tell a joke and people think I’m stupid. I hate it when people keep bringing it up when they don’t know why I said it in the first place. I hate it when people think I don’t understand because “I’m too young.” I hate it when people tell me “it’s an inside joke“, obviously it’s an inside joke or I would be laughing too…that’s why I asked you, dufus.

I hate it when people call me to only talk about them. I hate it when people call me to only talk about me. I hate it when people call me to only talk about him. I wish we could just find a happy medium.

I hate it when people assume that they are smarter than me…you probably are…but you don’t have to act like it. It makes you look like a cocky bastard.

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